OCTOBER 2020 Newsletter |
LOOK WHAT'S NEW I wanted to give a shout out to our own Suzanne Louth She was featured in the latest Quilt Mania issue. What an honor and a privilege to call her a friend and a customer. She was even kind enough to put in a nice word about the shop and we were mentioned in the article. WAY TO GO SUSIE!!

 Hello Ladies,
Fall has arrived, or at least it sure feels like it. Cool mornings, nice afternoons and cool nights. Love this time of the year!
You will find information on our new Saturday Sampler listed below. It is very important that you take the time to read and pick a time for October's Sampler. I am in love with the houses and small pieced blocks. We have two color ways for you to choose from or you could do both.
We have a two new Block of the Month's that we will be starting in October and November. Check out the information below.
Should you have any questions give us a call at the shop.
Blessings, Amber
 We have 2 color ways, either Farmhouse blacks/tans or brights! You will have the option of two settings to chose from and two color ways.
Our new Saturday Sampler will begin on the 3rd Saturday in October OCTOBER 17, 2020
The first month when you come you will pay a one time fee of $10 and receive your first pattern and fabric. Take it home and make your block, then come back the next month on the 3rd Saturday in November and receive your next block and fabric for FREE. You will continue this for a total of 12 months. Limit one FREE block per month per person, you can only get your block for free. If you would like to do both color ways you can, you will get one color free and the other color way will be a $6 fee. If for some reason you can not make it onemonth you can come in and purchase your block for $6, make it up and come the next month and start getting the blocks free again. VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ Because of COVID we are going to change how we are going to do things for the first month. We are going to have sessions on Friday, October 16th and Saturday, October 17th, to go over all the rules and exactly how you get your block FREE each month. We have three time on Friday and three times on Saturday to chose from and you will need to call the shop and get signed up for one of these times for the first month in October.
Friday, October 16th - 10 am, 12 noon or 2 pm Saturday, October 17th -10 am, 12 noon or 2 pm
Call the shop for more details and to get signed up
FABRICS & PATTERNS Radiance by Kanvas
    How Sweet The Sound
   Woodland Batiks
New patterns available at the shop..   
Woodland Wonderland
Begins in November 7 Month program Cost $20.00 per month
Call the shop to get signed up for the adorable BOM!! |

OCTOBER COUPON Additional 20% off all Clearance fabric. Can not be used in conjunction with BOM programs, sale fabrics, or quilting fees. Coupon has no cash value and must be presented at time of purchase
Sew Simple Quilt Shoppe, 5241 North 17th Street, Ozark, MO 65721 Coupon good through 10/01/2020 to 10/15/2020
OCTOBER COUPON All patterns with Stars or Dot stickers that are already 50% off, buy one get one for FREE. Can not be used in conjunction with BOM programs, sale fabrics, kits or quilting fees. Coupon has no cash value and must be presented at time of purchase
Sew Simple Quilt Shoppe, 5241 North 17th Street, Ozark, MO 65721 Coupon good through 10/16/2020 to 10/31/2020
SEW SIMPLE QUILT SHOPPE 5241 North 17th Street Ozark, MO 65721 www.sewsimplequilts.com amber@sewsimplequilts.com 417-582-8383 SHOP HOURS: Monday-Friday 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Click to visit Sew Simple Quilt Shoppe! |