LOOK WHAT'S NEW Coming this month GNOME-ANTICS This is the cuties ever - can't wait!!
Hello Ladies,
We have lots of wonderful Christmas fabrics that are scheduled to ship in. Hopefully it will start arriving soon. The Gnome's to the left are so stinking cute I can not wait for it to arrive.
We try to do a facebook live when we get our newest arrivals, so follow us on facebook.
Should you have any questions give us a call at the shop.
Blessings, Amber
This is a FREE pattern by Riley Blake. Just click on the pattern and you can then download the pattern.
GNOME BLOCK OF THE MONTH If you have signed up for this BOM we are still waiting for our first kits to come in, we will keep you posted as to when they are ready to be picked up. ************************************************************* YEAH!!! WE HAVE NEW ARRIVALS
Cottage Bleu by Robin Pickens / Moda The Seamstress by Laundry Basket / Andover
Fabric's DUE to arrive anytime
Yuletide by Moda in Flannel's Warm Winter Wishes Home Sweet Holidays
Postcard Holiday
Red Barn Christmas
================================================================ OTHER FABRICS THAT WE ARE STILL WAITING TO ARRIVE FROM PREVIOUS MONTHS
SEW SIMPLE QUILT SHOPPE 5241 North 17th Street Ozark, MO 65721 www.sewsimplequilts.com amber@sewsimplequilts.com 417-582-8383 SHOP HOURS: Monday-Friday 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Click to visit Sew Simple Quilt Shoppe!