SEPTEMBER 2022 Newsletter |
 Stop in or give us a call to schedule an appointment to quilt a small project so you can see what all the fun is about.
Financing available based upon approved credit by an outside agency.

 Hello Ladies,
Our Next Saturday Sampler is up at the shop and we are taking sign ups. We have 3 options for you to get your block FREE-so be sure and read below and call if you have questions or to get signed up.
ALL MISSOURI SHOP HOP STARTS September 1 - October 31st.
Ozark Piecemakers Quilt Show is September 29 - October 1st.
If you have any questions please give us a call at the shop.
The All Missouri Shop Hop brings together sewing and quilting enthusiasts from across the great state of Missouri as well as neighboring states. The event will run September 1 through October 31 in 2022. The All Missouri Shop Hop Magazine is your guide to all things about the event, participating stores and sponsors. The Magazine also includes valuable patterns, projects and articles along with the official passport and map. Each participating store offers the exclusive Shop Hop fabric, along with other give-aways, raffles and prizes. Participants have their passport stamped at each store they visit to qualify for additional prizes.
Visit any of our participating stores to get your All Missouri Shop Hop Magazine. It features everything you need for your Great Sewing Adventures Across Missouri. Many of our stores will also be selling the magazine online.
- Magazines will be available in July at participating stores.
- Besides an Official Passport and Maps of Stores, the magazine contains patterns, articles and other resources for sewing and quilting.
- The magazine notes special Shop Hop store hours and Regional and State maps that make it easy to plan your route.
- Each person in your party will need a passport in order to register for prizes.
- You’ll want to reference your magazine all year. Use it to find a quilt shop whenever you are meandering through Missouri. Be inspired by the patterns, projects and articles.
*************************************************************************** Our New Saturday Sampler will begin in October, 2022 If you have never participated in a Saturday Sampler program it is a great way to try something new and get it for FREE - yes that is right for FREE.
The first month there is an initial fee of $12.00 to begin and you will receive your first block pattern and fabric and every month after that if you bring in your block from the previous month in completed on the third Saturday you will receive your next block for FREE. If for some reason you are unable to make it in on the third Saturday you will have to pay $8 to receive your next block and then the next month you can come back with your block completed and start getting your blocks free again.
You can pick any Option for any month - whichever one works best for you
OPTION 1: This will be like we use to do - be at the shop before 10 am (the shop will open 9:45) we will show you everything that is new, have show and tell-so bring some things to share-limit of 3 per person and sign up for door prizes. Once we see your block from the previous month you will receive your next one for FREE..
OPTION 2: Then for those of you that maybe are uncomfortable in a group you can come anytime between 12 noon and 4 pm to receive your block for FREE, we will be strict on 12 - 4 open period. Be sure and bring your completed block in with you to get your next block for FREE..
OPTION 3: We will be doing a facebook live on the Friday prior to Saturday Sampler day. We will do it first thing in the morning to show you what we will be showing the Saturday groups. Then if you make a $25.00 or more purchase online between 12:01 am to 12:00 pm on that Friday and that Friday only we will ship your block for Free to you along with your purchase. You will need to search for Saturday Sampler October or Saturday Sampler November (whatever month we are in) and add it to your cart, it will show an 8.00 charge, but once we see your purchase not including tax or shipping is over $25.00 we will remove the block charge and ship it to you. If you spend more than $75 we will ship to you for FREE. (If for any reason we do not do a facebook live due to illness, vacation, etc... you can still make a purchase anytime on that Friday) If you have any questions give us a call at the shop!

***************************************************************** YEAH!!! WE HAVE NEW FABRIC Slow Stroll by Mod
 Avalon  Run With Me
 Reflection of Autumn from In the Beginning Fabrics
Sweet Nothing by Andover

************************************************* New Fabrics that are scheduled to ship in August
Click on Coupon To Print Reminder to look at the dates of the coupons
SEW SIMPLE QUILT SHOPPE 5241 North 17th Street Ozark, MO 65721 www.sewsimplequilts.com amber@sewsimplequilts.com 417-582-8383 SHOP HOURS: Monday-Friday 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Click to visit Sew Simple Quilt Shoppe! |